Water Utility Services

Providing volume water solutions to small scale water utilities and groundwater districts

We offer a wide range of volume water services to meet the needs of small-scale water utilities and groundwater districts.


U2U Market

U2U Market is small scale water utilities. Primary populations with less than 50,000.

U2D Market

U2D Markets are groundwater districts.

Level of Service

Supplemental Service

Supplemental water service is a contractural agreement between Soft Waters Ltd Company and a small scale utility.

Water level e.g. ~ 52 Acre-feet per year

Complemental Service

Complemental water service is a contractural agreement between Soft Waters Ltd Company and a medium and large-scale utilities.

Water level 5,000 – 50,000 Acre-feet per year

Dominant Service

Dominant water service is a contractural agreement between Soft Waters Ltd Company and water services at a large scale.

Water level 100,000+ Acre-feet per year

U2U & U2D
